Post #90
December 10, 2024
Democrats and their Big Media allies are coming up with many excuses for their November 5th election defeat, including:
· If only Biden had withdrawn earlier, giving Harris more time to campaign.
· If only Democrats had opened the process up to replace Biden, so that a stronger candidate could have been nominated.
· If only Harris had selected Josh Shapiro, Governor of Pennsylvania, to be her Vice President nominee, instead of Tim Walz.
· If only Harris had made more media appearances like Joe Rogan.
· Etc., etc.
This is encouraging because the Democrat leaders and Big Media obviously do not have an understanding of the American people. They have no understanding as to why they lost.
For as long as I can remember -- and at least starting in the 1960s -- political commentators have said that America is a center-right country.
If that is so, and I believe it is, how do Democrats believe that running far-left candidates for president and vice president, and campaigning and supporting on far-left issues is a prescription for winning the Presidency and Congress?
However, we conservatives know that the above Democrat/Big Media rationalization is not why Democrats took a shellacking this November 5th.
Hey Democrats—it’s your policies, your programs, and your positions on the issues.
The Democrats can’t admit that it’s their policies, programs, and positions because that’s who they are.
So, while Democrats are busy running down endless rabbit trails, seeking to learn why they lost, we must not only continue but increase our efforts to BRAND Democrat politicians, policies, programs, and positions as—anti-God, anti-America, anti-police, for open borders, for high taxes, for irresponsible government spending leading to: high inflation, socialism, Marxism.
There’s nothing conservatives can do that would be more effective than convincing the American people that this is who Democrat politicians are.
If we’re successful, it will be decades, if ever before Democrats win national elections again.
In my weekly blogs, I’ll continue to give you ideas and suggestions as to how to be effective in the BRANDING of the Democrat Party.
As always, your feedback is not only helpful and appreciated, but needed. Please reply to
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