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Continued #4…


Post #95  

January 14, 2025  


Today’s blog post is a continuation of the recent posts where I have been re-printing previous blogs to help improve your postal/digital fundraising results.




I left off this series with the 16 ideas that make up my list of the 20% marketing ideas that when implemented have the potential to increase your donors and income by 80%.


Many of these ideas apply to other channels of fundraising, especially digital/email, phone, and personal one on one solicitations.


For the next several blog posts I will list my ideas that make up the 80% that will be responsible for 20% of your income.


The 16 that make up the 20% are summarized here:​


  1. List

  2. Brand

  3. Project

  4. Involvement Techniques

  5. Tagline

  6. Testimonials

  7. Advisory Board/Friends List

  8. Website

  9. Celebrity Letter/Pub Note Signer

  10. Inline

  11. Urgency

  12. Keep Package Costs Low

  13. Thank Yous

  14. Push/Chase Postal Mail

  15. Front End Premiums

  16. Select a Hungry Market


In the next few weeks, I’ll give you more marketing ideas, which will improve your fundraising results.


I put these 70± ideas in the category of 80% ideas that will produce an additional 20% of your income.


Don’t make the mistake of thinking that these ideas are not important.  The additional 20% often means the difference between success or failure, especially for acquisition/prospect mail.


1. Many nonprofits struggle for lack of credibility and trust from the public.  Therefore, they need to do what they can to communicate the idea that they’re a real organization doing real things with a serious chance of success.  Number 7, 8, and 9 from the 16 on the 20% list help, as well as the additional four items below.


a. Have someone whose name denotes trust sign your letter.

b. Have someone whose name denotes trust sign a pub note.

c. List your board of directors with names and titles that denote trust.

d. Report on press/media coverage.


2. Instead of always using a #10 carrier envelope, vary the size of your carrier (7 ¼, 7 ¾, #12, #14, 9x12, etc.).


3. Consider a carrier with impactful colors (bag kraft, black, etc.).


4. A carrier with a photograph in the upper lefthand corner or a label with a photograph on it.


5. Produce an annual report at the end or beginning of the calendar year or your fiscal year.


6. Send an annual donor/supporter/member appeal.


7. If your organization has a debt, consider sending a debt reduction mailing. 


8. If you don’t have a debt but are significantly falling short of your budget, write about a budget shortfall that will seriously impact the effectiveness of your organization if not corrected.


Your feedback is helpful, appreciated, and needed.  Please email me at with any thoughts or comments you may have.


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RAV GO BIG BOOK Pamphlet NEW Singles

A few GO BIG chapters. 
See what will help you be a more effective activist, and successful in business and life.

Chapter 2 

 – Viguerie’s Four Horsemen of Marketing.

Chapter 3  

 – Brand Yourself, Brand Your Organization
– Change Your Life, Change the World.

Chapter 4 

 – Do You Have a Tagline?

Chapter 8  

  – How and Why to Acquire New Donors.

Chapter 12

 – It’s the Primaries, Stupid!

Chapter 14

 – Internet Marketing.

Chapter 16

– What You Can Do to Save America.

Chapter 19

– 11 Big Mistakes Conservative Leaders Make.

Chapter 21

 – How to Grow 10x = 1,000%.

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This free post is brought to you by American Target Advertising™ (ATA) and American Mailing List Corporation™—“ConservativeListsRUs.”  ATA was the world’s first ideological/political direct marketing agency and still is the largest conservative agency with over 90 team members that will mail over 250,000,000 postal letters in the 2025-2026 election cycle for 40+ clients who will receive over 7,000,000 donations from over 2,500,000 unique donors.


Some of the information in is from Richard A. Viguerie’s new book, GO BIG – The Marketing “Secrets” of Richard A. Viguerie.  A copy for yourself or as a gift to help a fellow conservative be more effective can be ordered at or, or at your favorite online bookstore.


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