Post #76
September 03, 2024
I didn’t labor over today’s Labor Day post—so this will be brief, but important.
The number one secret of advertising is repetition.
Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and many other popular brands know this.
So, I’ll engage in repetition today and repeat the important message of last week’s blog post.
And in the coming weeks, I’ll return to this subject frequently, as well as at my news site,, and other news articles I’ll be writing, because most all conservative leaders, activists, and politicians are making the same serious mistake.
In a few words the serious mistake is failing to encourage millions of grassroots conservative activists to reach out to the 15-25-50+ people in their circle of influence encouraging them to be modern-day Paul Reveres.
Imagine the power and the impact if millions of grassroots conservatives were receiving political mail, hearing commentators on TV, radio, or the Internet urging them to talk to their family, friends, co-workers, fellow church members, neighbors about the Democrats positions on important issues, including, inflation, crime, defund the police, open borders, etc.
Labor Day is traditionally the start of the political campaign season.
Let’s not rest until after November 5th—WE’VE GOT A COUNTRY TO SAVE.
As always, your feedback is not only helpful and appreciated, but needed. Please reply to
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