Post #80
October 1, 2024
How can Donald Trump win in a landslide?
How can Republicans have strong majorities in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate?
Simple, but not easy.
Grassroots conservatives need to become modern-day Paul Reveres and inform/educate all in their circle of influence that the Democrat agenda is to radically and quickly fundamentally change America from a Constitutional Republic to a one-party, big government, socialist/Marxist country.
The 2024 Democrats are scary, frightening, evil, and dangerous.
They bear little resemblance to John and Robert Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, or even Bill Clinton of the 1990s.
If today’s Democrats don’t terrify voters, it’s only for one reason—they don’t know what you know about the Democrats agenda for America if they win.
So, what’s to be done? As I said earlier, it’s simple but not easy.
You must do all you can to help your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, fellow church members understand the seriousness of the situation.
FedUp PAC, an independent expenditure political action committee that I founded and serve as Chairman, has produced pocket cards/DANGEROUS DEMOCRAT DISPATCHES on important issues.
Today at you can order cards or print for free DANGEROUS DEMOCRAT DISPATCHES on various issues, such as:
· Kamala Harris’ extreme positions.
· Tim Walz is the weird one!
· Democrats intentional open border.
· Democrats are anti-Catholic.
· Democrats’ promotion of killing babies up until the moment of birth (coming soon).
· Democrats using our federal government to punish and destroy their conservative/Republican opponents (coming soon).
· And more to come.
Carry 25-50 of these pocket cards/ DANGEROUS DEMOCRAT DISPATCHES whenever you leave home. Freely give them away and ask any conservatives that receive them to go to our website and also print copies to pass out.
If you pass out and/or forward via email 100 DANGEROUS DEMOCRAT DISPATCHES and urge those who receive them to also pass out and/or forward to others, you can be responsible for many thousands of voters learning how dangerous Democrat politicians are.
As always, your feedback is not only helpful and appreciated, but needed. Please reply to
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