Post #62
May 21, 2024
Today, I’m revisiting a subject I’ve previously written about.
Because I believe there is a growing probability that my prediction will become a reality.
It’s my strong opinion that President Joe Biden will not be on the November 5, 2024 presidential ballot.
Democrat leaders are really smart—they really want to win in 2024 (apparently more than GOP leaders).
Therefore, there’s no way they’re going to go into the November 2024 election with a frail, mentally deficient candidate who’s getting mentally and physically weaker by the day.
And however weak he is in May 2024; he’s going to be weaker in November 2024.
If conservatives put all of our political eggs in the coming months, blaming most of our country’s problems on Joe Biden, including inflation, out-of-control spending, an invasion of illegal aliens through our southern border, war on police leading to more crime and murder in big cities, war on fossil fuel, war on Catholics, war on Evangelicals, etc., etc.— we’ll be at a loss on August 19th when the Democrat National Convention opens in Chicago and President Biden goes to the camera and microphones and announces he is not running again.
However, he’s going to endorse his dear friend Michelle Obama to be the Democrat nominee for President of the United States. The convention hall will go wild applauding, screaming, and yelling for Michelle, and all of our attacks against President Biden will be worth little in the next 77 days.
Michelle Obama will be able to credibly campaign saying she had nothing to do with the failed policies of the past 3 ½ years.
Some national Democrats are beginning to agree with me.
However, even if my prediction doesn’t happen (and I hope and pray it doesn’t), it’s very important for conservatives to follow my advice.
My advice is for conservatives to stop referring to our country’s many problems as the fault of Joe Biden or any other specific Democrat.
Most of America’s troubles are caused by the Democrat Party, Democrat politicians, Democrat policies.
Remember, if Joe Biden is not on the ticket in November, neither will the words liberal, the left, woke, progressives, socialists, Marxists.
From the 1920s until the end of the century, Democrats successfully but incorrectly BRANDED Republicans as the party of the rich, big business, trickledown economics etc.
Now conservatives have the opportunity and the need to correctly BRAND the Republicans opponents not as liberals, progressives, socialists, and Marxists, BUT as DEMOCRATS.
Donald Trump is doing well against Joe Biden in the polls. However, if Biden steps aside and is replaced by a Democrat that hasn’t been BRANDED as a crazy left-winger, Trump’s lead in the polls will evaporate overnight.
Also, Republicans who are leading in a number of U.S. Senate and House races will see their lead disappear.
Simple. Conservatives did not tie the Democrat Party, Democrat candidates, and Democrat policies to America’s problems—inflation, open borders, crime, etc.
It’s getting late to do this, but it’s not too late. We have to start immediately because by August, September, and October over 95% of voters will have made up their mind.
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