Viguerie’s BLOG: TAGLINE (continued)
Post #6
April 25, 2023
Why have I devoted four blog posts to something few people in marketing/communication ever think about? (And the few who do usually get it wrong.)
While a tagline is not “officially” part of the Four Horsemen®, it probably should be.
As Kathleen Patten, our company’s president and CEO, says, “If your tagline can be accurately used by another in your market, throw it away, keep thinking, keep writing until you have a tagline that works only for you.”
A tagline is not, “We’re the best,” “We’re better,” or “We accomplish more for less.”
Most ideological nonprofits do not have a name that identifies them as being on the right, left, or in the middle. How are people supposed to know if they agree with you or not unless they spend 5–10 minutes reading? And trust me, that seldom happens.
By the way, in a postal mailing, put the tagline in numerous places where it’s most likely to be seen, including under the name of the organization, the bottom of the first page, the bottom of the last page, on the reply form, and any inserts.
The problem is even greater with a candidate for public office than with a business or organization, because most candidate names tell you nothing about their position on the issues, their values, opinions, beliefs, goals, etc.
Think of a tagline as the tail of an airplane. Just because it’s at the end of the plane and doesn’t get as much attention as the front or interior, doesn’t mean it’s not vitally important.
Without the tail of an airplane, it’s not going to get airborne, much less fly at 30,000 feet. The same with your nonprofit. Without a good tagline, your wonderful marketing campaign may not get off the ground.
This free post is brought to you by American Target Advertising™ (ATA) and American Mailing Lists Corporation™—“Conservative Donors R Us.” ATA was the world’s first conservative direct marketing agency and still is the largest with over 80 team members (increasing to 135 by 2024) that will mail over 300,000,000 postal letters in the 2023-2024 election cycle for 40+ clients who will receive over 7,000,000 donations from over 2,500,000 unique donors. |
Much of the information in is from Richard A. Viguerie’s new book, GO BIG – The Marketing “Secrets” of Richard A. Viguerie. Copies for yourself or as a gift can be ordered at or, or at your favorite online bookstore. If you wish to buy copies to be given free to high school or college students to encourage them to seek a career in conservative politics/marketing, go to To subscribe FREE to GO RIGHT - GO BIG blog, click here. |