Post #50
February 27, 2024
If you’re not regularly incorporating my 20% marketing ideas in your postal and digital ads, you should give serious consideration to doing so. If you don’t, you’re probably leaving lots of money on the table.
In last week’s blog post I added five new items to my top 20% list.
Here are the last five 20% ideas that could result in you having 80% more income.
12. KEEP PACKAGE COSTS LOW – One of the reasons your net income is down in recent years is because the cost of postal direct mail has gone up about 25% (since the pandemic), and it is not going to go down. It will continue to go up. So, this puts a premium on keeping costs low. Some ideas to reduce costs include co-mingling your postal mail for cheaper postage. This can save 2-4¢ per letter. Exchanging your lists rather than renting (for prospect/acquisition mail) can save you 8-10¢ ±.
13. THANK YOUS – It never ceases to amaze me the lack of timely, heartfelt, well-crafted thank yous sent by nonprofits. Lack of a good timely thank you will suppress future donations. Depending on the amount of the gift, you should consider thanking the person by email, phone, and postal letter.
14. PUSH/CHASE POSTAL MAIL – with communications from other channels, such as email, pre-recorded predictive dial phone calls. Remember to use celebrities or someone with a reputation or title that will denote a high level of trust, if available. Also, use digital ads to your donors.
15. FRONT-END PREMIUMS – This is a very powerful, effective method of significantly increasing prospect and housefile returns. Examples of front-end premiums include, a mini book, a booklet, a book, DVD, name and address labels, coffee cup, etc.
16. SELECT A HUNGRY MARKET – The great marketing professional, Gary Halbert, brilliantly came up with the idea of “don’t build a better hamburger – look for a hungry market to sell your hamburger to.”
What market is not being served? Where is there a hole in the marketplace (POSITION in Viguerie’s Four Horsemen of Marketing®)? Do you have a solution to a problem that’s not being handled by others?
In upcoming blog posts, I’ll give you my long list of 80% ideas that will add 20% to your gross.
Your feedback is helpful, appreciated, and needed. Please email me at rviguerie@americantarget.com with any thoughts or comments you may have.
This free post is brought to you by American Target Advertising™ (ATA) and American Mailing List Corporation™—“ConservativeListsRUs.” ATA was the world’s first conservative direct marketing agency and still is the largest with over 85 team members (increasing to 135 by 2024) that will mail over 300,000,000 postal letters in the 2023-2024 election cycle for 40+ clients who will receive over 7,000,000 donations from over 2,500,000 unique donors. |
Much of the information in GoRightGoBig.com is from Richard A. Viguerie’s new book, GO BIG – The Marketing “Secrets” of Richard A. Viguerie. Copies for yourself or as a gift can be ordered at GoBigConservatives.com or GoRightGoBig.com, or at your favorite online bookstore. If you wish to buy copies to be given free to high school or college students to encourage them to seek a career in conservative politics/marketing, go to GoBigConservatives.com. To subscribe FREE to GO RIGHT - GO BIG blog, click here. |