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GO RIGHT – GO BIG ● Blog Post #46


Post #46

January 30, 2024

The vast majority of fundraising appeals fail to touch third base.


And if you don’t touch third base it will be difficult to achieve your fundraising goals.


What do I mean by PROJECT?


Most fundraisers fail to offer a specific reason/purpose/project for a donation.  Instead of a specific solution to a specific problem—they substitute cussing, complaining, yelling about a problem, whether it’s a disease, people in need, or a political opponent.


The vast majority of leaders of nonprofits and/or marketers for conservatives, liberals, Republicans, Democrats, health and welfare, etc., don’t do the hard work of developing specific projects needed to solve a specific problem.


Most fundraising appeals are a version of:


· For an overseas charity—“There’s great poverty in X place, send us money.”

· For a heart charity—"Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, rush me a donation.”

· For a conservative congressional candidate—"My Democrat opponent has raised $10 million, send me money.”

· For liberals—"If you don’t send a donation today, MAGA Republicans will win.”


However, your fundraising appeals will raise a lot more money if you build your money request around a specific solution to a specific problem, e.g.,


· For an overseas charity—“If we raise $124,000 in the next 30 days we can dig 25 water wells in 25 villages by spring planting season. Then 15,400 people will have water for their crops and daily fresh water for themselves.”

· For a heart charity—"Because heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, we want to raise $250,000 for a new project to educate 7,000 teaching doctors in medical schools on the importance of teaching future doctors how to combat obesity in their patients.”

· For a conservative congressional candidate—"We’re tied in the polls, but I’m behind by 7 points among women. I need to raise $95,000 to pay for a postal letter from my wife Mary to go to all 125,000 registered women voters in my congressional district.”

· For liberals—excuse me—but I decided I wouldn’t give the left any ideas as to how to advance their mistaken ideas.


Your goals, dreams, hopes, wishes, aspirations are not PROJECTS.


Yes, donors know there are problems, and they are anxious to help solve the problems, but why should they send your organization a donation, rather than your competitor who offers an exciting specific solution to the same problem?


I find it helpful to keep in mind advice I got from John Von Kannon, the great marketing genius who helped Dr. Ed Feulner build The Heritage Foundation into the world’s largest think tank.


When talking to prospective donors John’s approach was, “What problem is of great concern to you that The Heritage Foundation could help you solve?”

This free post is brought to you by American Target Advertising™ (ATA) and American Mailing List Corporation™—“ConservativeListsRUs.”  ATA was the world’s first conservative direct marketing agency and still is the largest with over 85 team members (increasing to 135 by 2024) that will mail over 300,000,000 postal letters in the 2023-2024 election cycle for 40+ clients who will receive over 7,000,000 donations from over 2,500,000 unique donors.

​Much of the information in is from Richard A. Viguerie’s new book, GO BIG – The Marketing “Secrets” of Richard A. Viguerie. Copies for yourself or as a gift can be ordered at or, or at your favorite online bookstore.

If you wish to buy copies to be given free to high school or college students to encourage them to seek a career in conservative politics/marketing, go to

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