Post #30
October 3, 2023
In the mid-1980s I began to realize God’s plan for my life was not for me to be at the microphones or in front of the cameras.
But to build big microphones and big audiences for people and organizations who could make a difference.
And I’ve been blessed to have many people in my life who played important roles in this work of fighting for liberty and freedom under God’s laws.
In the early months of the Viguerie Company, I realized there was a need to not only help grow conservative organizations, but we needed to build the conservative movement and add hundreds of new organizations and millions of new donors and supporters.
In the mid-1960s we only had a few conservative nonprofits. So, the Viguerie Company set out to help launch dozens and dozens of new conservative organizations at our financial risk because these new organizations had no donors.
So, for the last 58 years we’ve been busy launching and growing many new conservative organizations and electing good conservatives to public office.
But Richard didn’t do this by himself.
If I had tried to do it alone, you would have never heard of me, because I would have achieved very, very little politically or professionally.
If you’re walking in the woods and you see a tree stump with a turtle on it, you know someone came along recently and placed that turtle on the stump. I’m a turtle on a stump. Many, many, many people helped put me where I am.
I’ve been blessed and re-blessed with hundreds of people who played a major role in my life including four mentors: Marvin Liebman, Ed Mayer Jr., Dick Benson, and Dan Sullivan.
And of course, I could have done nothing without many, many wonderful clients.
As well as many highly professional, helpful, patient vendors. You are vital and indispensable to our success.
Then of course there are the American Target Advertising team members, past and present, by the thousands.
I could have done very little without you. I thank you and all who love liberty and freedom under God’s laws are in your debt.
And of course, I’ve been blessed to work alongside thousands of national, state, and local conservative leaders, including the 8-10 of us who gathered for a two-hour breakfast planning and strategy meeting every Wednesday for 10 years, in the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s at our home in McLean, Virginia. In the early 1980s we would reconvene in the evening for dinner and were joined by 7 or 8 young congressional backbenchers, including Newt Gingrich, Vin Weber, Bob Walker, Hal Daub, and others.
To the extent there could ever be anything to Hillary Clinton’s comment about the “vast rightwing conspiracy” – that would have been it.
However, of all of the blessings I’ve received, number one is my family, including my extended family – about 50 are here tonight. I want to particularly mention my wonderful parents who raised me and my sister Annette during the depths of the Great Depression, each of them working multiple jobs. And my lovely wife of 61 years, Elaine. We were blessed to have three lovely children who are here tonight: Renée, Michelle, and Ryan. And our grandchildren Ginny, Katy, Matthew, Jeb, Megan, and Shannon.
People regularly ask me how many grandchildren I have. I reply with two answers: first answer is 6, second answer is not enough.
If you’re one of the hundreds of people I’ve just mentioned, you’ve made a difference. The world is better because of you. The congratulatory comments I’m receiving are also for you.
Some of you have heard me say before that my role model is Moses. From Deuteronomy 34:7, “And Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural forces abated.” Moses lived his life in three 40-year compartments. First 40 years in the house of the Pharoah, second 40 years in the wilderness with his family, and when he turned 80 is when he began to lead the Israelites. 99% of what we know about Moses is after he turned 80. So, I tell my many liberal friends like Roger Craver, look out, Viguerie is just getting started!
I’m as convinced as I am standing here talking to you that I’ve got a bigger front than a back, which means whatever I’ve accomplished in the past is going to be dwarfed by what I do in the future.
I believe we’re in a Spiritual Civil War against the socialist, woke, progressives, Marxists.
I’m one of the last people still active at the national level that was there at the beginning of the conservative movement. As the kids might say – I’ve been there and done that.
The leadership of every major institution in America is arrayed against us conservatives and our views and values, including our own government, the FBI, CIA, IRS, Department of Justice, as well as higher and lower education, unions, Big Tech, Big Media, Big Business, Wall Street, Hollywood, the legal community, the nonprofit community, organized religion, etc., etc.
I think it’s obvious to one and all – our side is losing.
Today we have 20 clients and 85 team members, mostly in the creative and marketing arena. Our goal is to have 40 clients and 130 team members by this time next year.
We’re taking American Target Advertising and our other companies to the front line of the Spiritual Civil War, and I hope to see many of you there.
This free post is brought to you by American Target Advertising™ (ATA) and American Mailing List Corporation™—“ConservativeListsRUs.” ATA was the world’s first conservative direct marketing agency and still is the largest with over 85 team members (increasing to 135 by 2024) that will mail over 300,000,000 postal letters in the 2023-2024 election cycle for 40+ clients who will receive over 7,000,000 donations from over 2,500,000 unique donors. |
Much of the information in GoRightGoBig.com is from Richard A. Viguerie’s new book, GO BIG – The Marketing “Secrets” of Richard A. Viguerie. Copies for yourself or as a gift can be ordered at GoBigConservatives.com or GoRightGoBig.com, or at your favorite online bookstore. If you wish to buy copies to be given free to high school or college students to encourage them to seek a career in conservative politics/marketing, go to GoBigConservatives.com. To subscribe FREE to GO RIGHT - GO BIG blog, click here. |