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GO RIGHT – GO BIG ● Blog Post #22



Post #22

August 8, 2023

Here are a few more ideas (in continuation of my blog post last week) to help grow your donors and income in these troubled economic times:

8. Do you offer a solution to a problem Democrats have caused?

9. Do you have a written plan?

10. I could continue on, but why when I’ve recently written over 150 pages on how Republicans/conservatives can grow their organization or political campaign, get more donors, money, and govern America?

My new book, GO BIG: The Marketing “Secrets” of Richard A. Viguerie explains how conservatives can not only be competitive with the left, but dominate in grassroots marketing.

There’s a strong need for more professionalism among conservative leaders, marketers, fundraisers, communicators, etc.

You can order your own copy here today. You may want additional copies for others in your organization.

There’s no shortage of donors, money, voters, just a shortage of leaders with energy and professional skills.

If you don’t quicky acquire the information in GO BIG, your competitors will.

This is not difficult. We can do this—we not only can save America and Western Civilization, but I believe we’re called by God to do so.

This free post is brought to you by American Target Advertising™ (ATA) and American Mailing Lists Corporation™—“Conservative Donors R Us.” ATA was the world’s first conservative direct marketing agency and still is the largest with over 80 team members (increasing to 135 by 2024) that will mail over 300,000,000 postal letters in the 2023-2024 election cycle for 40+ clients who will receive over 7,000,000 donations from over 2,500,000 unique donors.

​Much of the information in is from Richard A. Viguerie’s new book, GO BIG – The Marketing “Secrets” of Richard A. Viguerie. Copies for yourself or as a gift can be ordered at or, or at your favorite online bookstore.

If you wish to buy copies to be given free to high school or college students to encourage them to seek a career in conservative politics/marketing, go to

To subscribe FREE to GO RIGHT - GO BIG blog, click here.

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