How to Grow Conservative Nonprofits
Post #13
June 6, 2023
Invest, invest, invest in acquisition if you want to grow your list of donors, subscribers, supporters, activists, etc.
Between now and 2024 will be a good time, maybe even a great time, to grow conservative/right-of-center organizations.
If in your first acquisition mailing you recover at least 60% of your investment to acquire new donors, 100% of the money spent should be returned within 6-10 months just from more direct marketing (postal and digital) to your new donors. So, donors for the development team can be acquired at no cost, and thousands, perhaps tens or hundreds of thousands, of grassroots activists (and for a few organizations—millions) will also be identified, as well as legislative battles fought and voters educated.
Think BIG. I believe it’s entirely possible to grow most all conservative donor files by 200-300% within the next 19 months and some by 1,000% by December 2024. But in order for this to happen, you will have to change many marketing practices you now engage in.
I estimate that the Left raises about 700% more money for their ideological organizations than conservatives from about 700% more donors (3,500,000 unique conservative donors—21,000,000+ unique liberal donors).
In the 2019-2020 presidential election cycle, ActBlue had 13.4 million liberals who had given them their credit card information for quick and easy donations.
The liberals are running circles around conservatives in grassroots marketing, and the main reasons are that they’re more aggressive/professional/entrepreneurial.
It’s even worse when you consider that 80%+ of the hot button issues that Americans are concerned about are issues on which they agree with OUR side—taxes, over-regulation, open borders, school choice, religious liberty, honest elections, defund the police, national security, CRT, cancel culture, etc., etc.
We’re in a Spiritual Civil War, and as Morton Blackwell says, “donors want to hear the sound of the cannons and smell the gunpowder.” Most donors want to hear how their donation will make a difference now, not in 20+ years.
In my next post, I’ll continue the discussion about how to grow conservative nonprofits.
This free post is brought to you by American Target Advertising™ (ATA) and American Mailing Lists Corporation™—“Conservative Donors R Us.” ATA was the world’s first conservative direct marketing agency and still is the largest with over 80 team members (increasing to 135 by 2024) that will mail over 300,000,000 postal letters in the 2023-2024 election cycle for 40+ clients who will receive over 7,000,000 donations from over 2,500,000 unique donors. |
Much of the information in is from Richard A. Viguerie’s new book, GO BIG – The Marketing “Secrets” of Richard A. Viguerie. Copies for yourself or as a gift can be ordered at or, or at your favorite online bookstore. If you wish to buy copies to be given free to high school or college students to encourage them to seek a career in conservative politics/marketing, go to To subscribe FREE to GO RIGHT - GO BIG blog, click here. |