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Richard A. Viguerie

GO RIGHT - GO BIG ● Blog Post #2

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Post #2

Viguerie’s BLOG: What’s your BRAND?

Dear Conservative Leader,

In last week’s blog post I discussed the importance of having a strong BRAND. Today we will continue that discussion.

In marketing, fundraising, and running for office having a strong BRAND is not just a good or important thing to have—it is the whole ballgame.

Have you ever said or thought . . .

  • Why aren’t we raising more money?

  • Why don’t we have more donors?

  • Why don’t we have more members?

  • Why don’t we have more subscribers?

  • Why isn’t our candidate higher in the polls?

  • Why did we lose the election?

  • Why isn’t our organization better known?

  • Why don’t we get more media?


Have you ever heard someone say . . .

  • Why didn’t I get hired?

  • Why didn’t I get a promotion?

  • Why didn’t I get a raise?

  • Why didn’t she accept my marriage proposal? etc., etc.

It’s a rare person, organization leader, or candidate who hasn’t said some version of the above—perhaps many times.

And the answer often is that you, your organization, or your candidate lacks a BRAND.

A high percentage of the time, the reason your nonprofit is stuck in size, money, members, subscribers, or not experiencing significant growth is because your BRAND is weak or non-existent.

I’ve learned that very few people truly understand what makes a BRAND. Even most people in marketing have little or no idea what constitutes a BRAND.

What’s not a BRAND?

  • We’re smarter than the competition.

  • We work more efficiently.

  • We get more bang for the buck.

  • We’re a household name.

  • We work harder.

  • We get more results for less money.

  • We’re bigger, better.

  • I (or our organization) am (is) famous and profitable.

Having a famous name or being well known doesn’t mean you have a BRAND. Having a successful business doesn’t mean you have a BRAND. Does it matter if someone buys from you or a competitor? If not, then you don’t have a BRAND.

A BRAND is when you branch off from an existing category and start a new category. To have a successful BRAND, you must “own” a category. You must dominate in a category.

A successful BRANDING of a conservative organization will allow it to grow 100% -1,000% in the next few years.

Also, conservative candidates for public office need BRANDING. A law of politics is “Define [BRAND yourself] or be defined [by your opponent].”

Read, read, study BRANDING and apply it to Democrats and conservative organizations, and save America. The single best book to learn about BRANDING is The Origin of Brands by Al Ries and Laura Ries. Read the first 25 pages over and over until you really understand the concept of BRAND.

This is not rocket science. We can do this, people. We can save America.

P.S. In each edition of GO RIGHT - GO BIG, I will include a brief survey to help educate the media and the political establishment about the views and values of conservative leaders. I’ll share the results in the following GO RIGHT - GO BIG post, and also publish them on our website.

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